To use this, you must have a website using a webhost which supports MySQL, PHP, and Javascript. To initially create your database, use the file library.sql from the kit/directory. Log on to your website, and use PHPMyAdmin to run the file, library.sql This will create the database with one null entry. The purpose of this null entry is to avoid errors on input. Please read the about file, which explains this software, its origins, and the requirements for use. LibDatabase Catalog V1.0 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. To customize LibDatabase for your library, you will need to change the following files. - liblogo.jpg is a photograph or other image that represents your library. I have included one that Broadwater, NE is using for its library - a "faded" photograph of a bookshelf. You may use this, or you may substitute another JPEG or GIF image that represents your library - a photograph, artwork or logo. The size of the image uploaded will be maintained. Suggested size is 265x150 pixels. - LibMain.html - Insert specific information about your library, including its name, location, telephone number, and email address in the fields enclosed in parentheses ( ). - UserMain.html - Insert specific information about your library, including its name, location, telephone number, and email address in the fields enclosed in parentheses ( ). - - The information needs to be changed to reflect your SECURE username and password for your MySQL database. - - The information needs to reflect your NONSECURE username and password for your MySQL database The files which must all be included for your LibDatabase V1.0 to work are: aboutV1.html another.gif checkout.html circulate.php dblib.css dbprinter.css display.gif displaybooks.html displaybooks.php insert_book2.php liblogo.jpg LibMain.html library.sql makeweed.php newbook2.html overdue.html overdueresults.php quit.gif Readme.txt results.php search.html stalebook.html sum.php summary.php thankyou.html tip_centerwindow.js tip_followscroll.js upd2.php upd3.php updatebook.html UserMain.html wz_tooltip.js